Thursday 7 December 2017

Time To Give Those Little Grey Cells A workout on Brain Training with Professor Basil P.H.D. #27 I have something new fur mew today!

Welcome to

Christmas Edition of Brain Training with Professor Basil

Puzzling greetings my wunderpurr pals

Woo hoo guys, it's lovely to be back with my brain-training segment and as Catmas looms we need it even more, as we've got to keep those little grey cells in tip top condition as we can't be furgetting anything! MOL

And today we've got something new just fur mew.  Mew may or may not know that I am furry proud memfur of Cat Scouts and have been fur some years now.  Well Denmaster who runs the entire scouting oppurration introduced some jigsaw puzzles the other week with the most incredible artwurk.

I actually love puzzles [as if mew didn't already know! MOL] and got to thinking oooohhh now that's really fun and our readers might quite like to try one that I made.

So below is the graphic fur our 2017 Wurld Tour and of course we had to try it out furst... oh it times mew while mew play, but mew can pause it - look fur the pause button to the right of the countdown.

My time was 18.48 seconds

What's yours?

If mew feel the need to catch up on any of the previous puzzles, here's the links:

To see our previous crosswurds, wurdsearches & answers click here:

It's time to get those little grey cells wurking...

[just right click to save the wurdsearch to your 'puter or print it off.] 

And here's the Jigsaw Puzzle.

Just place the mouse pointer on a jigsaw piece, click and hold down the mouse to move it.

A quick reminder before we go... don't furget to join in the supurr Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop which is hosted by Brian's Home

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Until tomorrow...

Keep Calm


Puzzle On

Bestest purrs

Basil & Co xox

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Glitter Text



  1. These are some great brain exercises, Professor Basil. Thanks for helping us keep our grey matter going!

  2. Thanks for the jigsaw puzzle. I love those! It took me 42 minutes though. xO

    1. Hey guys, aren't those puzzles neat? 42 mins is a great time, well done WOOOO HOOO! XOX

  3. Thanks for the brain teasers...or are they actually exercisers? But at almost 2 am...sheesh, petcretary needs to put an end to her catventures in Basil-land and hut her own sack...aka bed:)

    1. Hi Pipo, teasers, exercises or training the grey matter, it's all the same, no-one cares what we call just as long as we do it!!! MOL XOX

  4. DOOD !!!! how...kewl...iz...thiz !!! we haz allreddy finded toez in de werd seerch N de korner peace iz on de puzzle board !!!! YAY ...manee thanx for sharin ♥♥☺☺

    1. N we just getted a conga taked ewe: two dayz ta due de puzzle { werd: due knot try ta put two gether at werk !!!!!!! } ♥♥

    2. Tabbies, dudes and Miss Dai$y, wooo hoooo two days, that's pawesome, so take out all your nap time and eating time and sleep time and mew'd defo be in the 40 minutes section fur sure!!! MO XOX

  5. I LOVE JIGSAW PUZZLES ONLINE! I'm gonna hide yours until later in the day (when everyone is out of the office)...hehehehe!

  6. I enjoyed the jigsaw, but no way am I admitting to how long it took me!

    1. Guys, it doesn't matter how long it took mew, just as long as mew enjoyed the process - wooo hooooo congrats puzzle one is complete! MOL XOX


  7. Nice And Very useful info,used to really good
    This article important and really good the for me is.Amazing write-up,Great article. Thanks!

    1. Thanks peeps, but we're cats and don't trade in loose diamonds, well only to our arms dealer! MOL XOX


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FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!